Colorado Ballot 2022
Join Active Minds for an objective review of the current issues on the ballot this fall. We will review each proposal, presenting the arguments on both sides. We will also review the referendum and initiatives in Colorado, including its history, pros and cons, and significant legislation that has resulted from this process in the past.
Key Lecture Points
- Colorado voters go to the polls Tuesday, November 8, 2022 (ballots will be mailed to Colorado voters mid-October). In addition to voting for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Treasurer, State Board of Education (4 seats), and State Board of Regents (4 seats), every Colorado voter will be asked to vote on 11 state-wide citizen initiatives and referenda, as well as local candidates in some locations. This year’s citizen-initiated measures touch upon the following issues: a tax rate reduction, support for affordable housing programs, access to psychedelic substances, and three propositions related to the sale of alcohol in the state. Also on the ballot are measures that were referred to the public by the state General Assembly to make the state tax rate more transparent, supporting Gold Star veteran families and free student meals, and proposed changes to charitable gaming operations.
- Colorado is one of many states that allow the legislature to refer the passage of a law to a vote of the electorate (referendum). Additionally, the Colorado Constitution permits citizens to amend it or propose a change to the Colorado statutes by way of a direct initiative.
- Adopting its referendum and initiative process in 1910, Colorado is one of 26 states that allow some form of “direct democracy,” wherein the electorate is able to vote directly on legislation. Proponents of direct democracy argue that it holds the legislature accountable to the electorate and provides for swift adoption of laws that reflect the desires of the people. Critics argue that direct democracy creates ballots that are overly confusing and subject to abuse. Additionally, they argue that legislators are held accountable in a representative democracy by way of elections.
Exploration Questions
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of initiatives and referenda?
- In what way does the 2022 Colorado ballot demonstrate these advantages and disadvantages?
Reflective Questions
- Do you think the initiative process fosters the democratic process? Why or why not?
- Do you feel more a part of the process when there are a large number of initiatives and referenda or just overwhelmed?
More to Explore
- Colorado Legislative Council analysis of ballot Click here
- Information on ballot issues Click here
Books For Further Reading
- Cicero, Quintus Tullius, Philip Freeman. How to Win An Election. Princeton University Press, 2012. 99 pages. Cicero’s observations of Ancient Rome’s politics remain pertinent for today’s reader.
Click here to order - Cronin, Thomas E., Robert D. Loevy. Colorado Politics and Policy: Governing a Purple State. University of Nebraska Press, 2012. 440 pages. This book gives a concise history of Colorado’s constitution and central political institutions as well as an analysis of the state’s political cultures.
Click here to order - Matt Qvortrup, Direct Democracy: A Comparative Study of the Theory and Practice of Government by the People, Manchester University Press, 2018 (2nd edition), 168 pages. This book provides an overview of the theory and practice of direct democracy around the world. It addresses both the uses and abuses of referendum and initiative.
Click here to order

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