Boulder/Louisville/Longmont Area Events

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Upcoming Events:

Monday, March 31, 2025, 3:00-4:00 pm (in-person)
Saudi Arabia
With over 20% of the world's proven oil reserves, Saudi Arabia continues to be important to the global economy. Join Active Minds as we tell the story of this complex nation. We will cover Saudi history, the recent generational transition of power in the Saudi Royal family, and the complicated role played by the Wahhabi school of Sunni Islamic thought in the country and the region. This event is sponsored by Brookdale Meridian Boulder.
Location: East Age Well Center, 5660 Sioux Dr, Boulder, CO 80303... map
Cost: Free
RSVP: City of Boulder Older Adult Services: 303-413-7290

Thursday, April 3, 2025, 2:00-3:00 pm (in-person)
The European Union
Gradually created in the wake of World War II, the European Union was formed to provide a unified trading bloc for Western Europe.  As the EU has grown, it has faced obstacles, such as the addition of Central and Eastern European countries and BREXIT, the first and only withdrawal of a nation from the Union. Join Active Minds as we explore the historical roots of the formation of the EU as well as the issues that challenge its future.
The Pearl at Boulder Creek, 2525 Taft Dr, Boulder, CO 80302... map
Cost: Free
RSVP: 720-565-6844
Other: Refreshments will be served.

* * * Special Event * * *
Friday, April 4, 2025, 1:00-3:00 pm (1:00 reception, 1:30-2:30 program) (in-person)
Georgia O’Keeffe
Born in Wisconsin in 1887, Georgia O’Keeffe would emerge at a young age as a promising artist.  Eventually she would come to be renowned for her abstraction of natural forms such as flowers, clouds and, perhaps most famously, desert spaces of the American Southwest.  Join Active Minds as we trace the outlines of one of the most prominent figures in 20th Century modern art.
Location: Sunrise at Flatirons, 400 Summit Blvd, Broomfield, CO 80021... map
Cost: Free
RSVP required (limited seating): 303-466-2422
Parking: Complimentary parking is available. Please ask the Concierge about the parking when you make your reservation.

Monday, April 7, 2025, 2:00-3:00 pm Mountain Time (webinar)
The American West
Join Active Minds for an exploration of how the West was opened and won. We'll tell the story from a variety of perspectives--from the early explorers who ventured into the unknown to the fortune seekers who raced to the Gold Rush. We'll also include the often brutal elements of what was known at the time as "Manifest Destiny” including conflicts with Native Americans as well as Spanish Mexico, all of which added significant territory to the United States.
Host: Jefferson County Public Library
Cost: Free
To Join Program: Click here to register. Once registered, you will receive a Zoom link via e-mail 30 minutes before the program. This link will work for this and all future Jefferson County Public Library Active Minds programs, so you only need to register once if you save the link for future programs.
Info: Call the library at 303-235-5275 for help or information

Wednesday, April 9, 2025, 1:00-2:00 pm (in-person)
Georgia O’Keeffe
Born in Wisconsin in 1887, Georgia O’Keeffe would emerge at a young age as a promising artist.  Eventually she would come to be renowned for her abstraction of natural forms such as flowers, clouds and, perhaps most famously, desert spaces of the American Southwest.  Join Active Minds as we trace the outlines of one of the most prominent figures in 20th Century modern art. This event is sponsored by Brookdale Meridian Boulder.
Location: West Age Well Center, 909 Arapahoe Ave, Boulder, CO 80302... map
Cost: Free
RSVP: City of Boulder Older Adult Services: 303-441-3148

Monday, April 14, 2025, 1:30-2:30 pm (in-person)
Turbulent Waters: Conflict in the South China Sea
The South China Sea is an incredibly strategic body of water located between China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. At stake is one of the busiest trade routes in the world as well as oil and fishing rights. Recently China has been pressing its claim to long disputed parts of the South China Sea, raising concerns as to what may happen as tensions rise. Join Active Minds for a closer look at this delicate situation.
Location: Broomfield Public Library, 3 Community Park Rd, Broomfield, CO 80020... map
Cost: Free
RSVP: Not required

Monday, April 14, 2025, 2:00-3:00 pm Mountain Time (webinar)
The Erie Canal
The Erie Canal was an engineering marvel that altered the course of the early history of the United States. The Canal, once thought to be an impossible task, changed the economic profile of the country and provided a major catalyst for industrialization and growth. The Canal’s story is a tapestry of backroom political dealings, surging boomtowns, and surveyors who had never worked on a canal project. Join Active Minds as we discuss one of the most influential and impressive feats of civil engineering in American history.
Host: Jefferson County Public Library
Cost: Free
To Join Program: Click here to register. Once registered, you will receive a Zoom link via e-mail 30 minutes before the program. This link will work for this and all future Jefferson County Public Library Active Minds programs, so you only need to register once if you save the link for future programs.
Info: Call the library at 303-235-5275 for help or information

Monday, April 21, 2025, 1:00-2:00 pm (in-person)
The History of Automobiles 
From the hand cranked Model T that came in any color you want as long as it’s black, to modern cars that have more circuits and chips than most computers, the automobile has a rich and still evolving history. Join Active Minds as we tell the story of the invention that replaced the horse and buggy. Along the way, we'll take a look at mass production, labor, environmental impacts, and the introduction of self-driving cars.
Location: Keystone Place at Legacy Ridge, 11180 Irving Dr, Westminster, CO 80031... map
Cost: Free
RSVP required: Keystone Place: 303-465-5600
Other: Refreshments provided.

Saturday, April 26, 2025, 10:00-11:00 am Mountain Time (webinar)
South Korea
In early December 2024, embattled South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol declared martial law plunging the nation into a constitutional crisis.  President Yeol was subsequently impeached and imprisoned, leading many of his supporters to storm the detention facility.  Join Active Minds as we examine the root causes of the crisis in South Korea and what it means for this crucial US ally in Asia. This event is sponsored by Kaiser Permanente.
Host: Anthem Ranch, 16151 Lowell Blvd, Broomfield, CO 80020... map
Cost: Free
To Join Program: A few minutes before the program start time click here to join the live webinar (when prompted to join audio, select computer or internet audio).
Other: If for any reason you are unable to use the webinar link above, it is possible to join by phone with audio only. For info on dialing in using your phone click here for audio only dial-in instructions.

Monday, April 28, 2025, 2:00-3:00 pm Mountain Time (webinar)
Ragtime & the Music of Scott Joplin
Join Active Minds for a musical journey into the world of Ragtime and Scott Joplin.  We will examine its origins in African American traditions, emergence among Tin Pan Alley tunes, and surge in popularity in the early 20th century. We will also explore some of Joplin’s most significant works, from piano rags to other progressive compositions as he paved the way as one of the most successful African American composers of his day.
Host: Jefferson County Public Library
Cost: Free
To Join Program: Click here to register. Once registered, you will receive a Zoom link via e-mail 30 minutes before the program. This link will work for this and all future Jefferson County Public Library Active Minds programs, so you only need to register once if you save the link for future programs.
Info: Call the library at 303-235-5275 for help or information

Monday, April 28, 2025, 3:00-4:00 pm (in-person)
Nuclear Power
As society faces increased challenges associated with climate change caused by the consumption of fossil fuels, some experts are arguing that nuclear energy offers a reliable and plentiful source of zero carbon energy.  Nuclear power, however, presents its own challenges, including a history of accidents at Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and Fukushima Daichi. Join Active Minds as we evaluate the pros and cons of this controversial source of energy. This event is sponsored by Brookdale Meridian Boulder.
Location: East Age Well Center, 5660 Sioux Dr, Boulder, CO 80303... map
Cost: Free
RSVP: City of Boulder Older Adult Services: 303-413-7290

Tuesday, April 29, 2025, 1:00-2:00 pm Mountain Time (webinar)
The July 2024 presidential election in Venezuela creates an opportunity to reflect upon the leadership of President Nicolas Maduro who presides over a crumbling economy and the flight of nearly 8 million (25%) of his citizens. Join Active Minds as we explore how this once promising economy and evolving democracy has wound up in shambles. We will look at how the price of oil, the policies of the late President Hugo Chavez, and other factors converged to create this crisis and explore what the future holds for this important South American country.
Host: Arapahoe Library District
Cost: Free
To Join Program: Click here to register. Once registered, you will receive a Zoom link via e-mail 24 hours before the program.
Info: Call the library at 303-542-7279 or e-mail Ashley at for help or information.

Tuesday, April 29, 2025, 2:00-3:00 pm (in-person)
After many years of strong economic growth, Iceland’s banking system collapsed in 2008 resulting in a severe economic depression. Today the economy is growing again and Iceland has become a popular tourist destination. Join Active Minds as we review Iceland’s history and explore some of the characteristics of the country that make it unique among the countries of the world.
Location: Northglenn Senior Center, 1 East Memorial Parkway, CO 80233... map
Cost: Free
RSVP: 303-450-8801

Monday, May 5, 2025, 2:00-3:00 pm Mountain Time (webinar)
Georgia O’Keeffe
Born in Wisconsin in 1887, Georgia O’Keeffe would emerge at a young age as a promising artist.  Eventually she would come to be renowned for her abstraction of natural forms such as flowers, clouds and, perhaps most famously, desert spaces of the American Southwest.  Join Active Minds as we trace the outlines of one of the most prominent figures in 20th Century modern art.
Host: Jefferson County Public Library
Cost: Free
To Join Program: Click here to register. Once registered, you will receive a Zoom link via e-mail 30 minutes before the program. This link will work for this and all future Jefferson County Public Library Active Minds programs, so you only need to register once if you save the link for future programs.
Info: Call the library at 303-235-5275 for help or information

Wednesday, May 7, 2025, 1:00-2:00 pm (in-person)
French Cuisine     
Over 2000 years ago, the Roman Empire expanded north to incorporate the agriculturally abundant region of the Celtic Gauls. Thus began the rich culinary history of the land that would come to be known as France. Join Active Minds as we embark on a four-course exploration of the long and flavorful history of the people who gave us the word “restaurant”.
Location: Thornton Active Adult Center, 11181 Colorado Blvd, Thornton, CO 80233... map
Cost: $7 ($5 for Thornton residents)
Registration: Call Jenny Ressl at 303-255-7850 or click here

Saturday, May 10, 2025, 10:00-11:00 am Mountain Time (webinar)
Artificial Intelligence         
The release of artificial intelligence programs such as ChatGPT has catapulted this technology to the forefront of global conversations. The enormous potential of this technology has many people both excited and fearful. Join Active Minds as we explain what AI is, how it can be used for good, but also the potential for abuse. This event is sponsored by Kaiser Permanente.
Host: Anthem Ranch, 16151 Lowell Blvd, Broomfield, CO 80020... map
Cost: Free
To Join Program: A few minutes before the program start time click here to join the live webinar (when prompted to join audio, select computer or internet audio).
Other: If for any reason you are unable to use the webinar link above, it is possible to join by phone with audio only. For info on dialing in using your phone click here for audio only dial-in instructions.

Monday, May 12, 2025, 1:30-2:30 pm (in-person)
South Africa: From Apartheid to Global Citizen
Join Active Minds as we explore the history of South Africa, its struggle with race and its journey to rejoin the international community since apartheid ended in 1994. We will discuss the pivotal role played by Nelson Mandela, the impact of immigration/colonialism, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and other important aspects of this story. We will end with a look at the current challenges and opportunities for South Africa, including the recent May 2024 elections.
Location: Broomfield Public Library, 3 Community Park Rd, Broomfield, CO 80020... map
Cost: Free
RSVP: Not required

Monday, May 12, 2025, 2:00-3:00 pm Mountain Time (webinar)
Women Composers in Classical Music
Women in classical music might not have the same representation or achieved the same recognition as their male counterparts, brothers or husbands, but they have made significant contributions throughout music history. Join Active Minds as we explore the lives and music of female composers from the Middle Ages up to the 20th century. We’ll listen to works by Hildegard of Bingen, Barbara Strozzi, Fanny Mendelssohn, Clara Schumann, Amy Beach, and more.
Host: Jefferson County Public Library
Cost: Free
To Join Program: Click here to register. Once registered, you will receive a Zoom link via e-mail 30 minutes before the program. This link will work for this and all future Jefferson County Public Library Active Minds programs, so you only need to register once if you save the link for future programs.
Info: Call the library at 303-235-5275 for help or information

Wednesday, May 14, 2025, 1:00-2:00 pm (in-person)
Mount Everest
It’s been 10 years since a massive earthquake in Nepal in 2015 triggered the deadliest avalanche in the history of Everest climbing. As the tallest mountain in the world, Everest holds a special place in the minds and hearts of many. It has religious significance for inhabitants of the region; additionally, it captivates the many mountaineers who have attempted to summit it and thus stand “on top of the world.”  Join Active Minds as we explore the stories of Everest—both triumphs and tragedies—and examine different perspectives on the mountain’s past, present, and future. This event is sponsored by Brookdale Meridian Boulder.
Location: West Age Well Center, 909 Arapahoe Ave, Boulder, CO 80302... map
Cost: Free
RSVP: City of Boulder Older Adult Services: 303-441-3148

* * * Special Event * * *
Thursday, May 15, 2025, 2:00-4:00 pm (2:00 reception, 2:30 program) (in-person)
South Korea
In early December 2024, embattled South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol declared martial law plunging the nation into a constitutional crisis.  President Yeol was subsequently impeached and imprisoned, leading many of his supporters to storm the detention facility.  Join Active Minds as we examine the root causes of the crisis in South Korea and what it means for this crucial US ally in Asia.
Location: Brookdale Meridian Boulder, 801 Gillaspie Dr, Boulder, CO 80305... map
Cost: Free
RSVP required (limited seating): 303-494-3900
Other: Refreshments served.

Thursday, May 15, 2025, 7:00-8:00 pm (webinar)
The U.S. Internment of Japanese-Americans
Months after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 authorizing the internment of over 100,000 Japanese-Americans. Join Active Minds as we seek to understand this dark chapter in American history and what we learned as a nation from this experience.
Host: Louisville Public Library
Cost: Free
To Join Program: A few minutes before the program start time click here to join the live webinar (when prompted to join audio, select computer or internet audio).
Other: If for any reason you are unable to use the webinar link above, it is possible to join by phone with audio only. For info on dialing in using your phone click here for audio only dial-in instructions.
To Register: click here

Monday, May 19, 2025, 2:00-3:00 pm Mountain Time (webinar)
The United Nations
Formed in 1945 in the immediate aftermath of a second world war, the United Nations was intended (in the words of its founding Charter) “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war”.  Join Active Minds as we examine the origins and development of the U.N. as well as its current and future role in the world.
Host: Jefferson County Public Library
Cost: Free
To Join Program: Click here to register. Once registered, you will receive a Zoom link via e-mail 30 minutes before the program. This link will work for this and all future Jefferson County Public Library Active Minds programs, so you only need to register once if you save the link for future programs.
Info: Call the library at 303-235-5275 for help or information

Monday, May 19, 2025, 3:00-4:00 pm (in-person)
Genghis Khan & the Mongolian Empire     
Genghis Khan founded and ruled over the Mongolian Empire, the largest contiguous land empire in the history of the world. Often misunderstood, Genghis Khan was far more than the world's greatest conqueror. Time magazine and the Washington Post named him "the most important person of the last millennium."  Join Active Minds as we explore how this illiterate warrior-nomad came to have such a lasting and profound impact on world politics and modern society.  This event is sponsored by Brookdale Meridian Boulder.
Location: East Age Well Center, 5660 Sioux Dr, Boulder, CO 80303... map
Cost: Free
RSVP: City of Boulder Older Adult Services: 303-413-7290

Monday, June 2, 2025, 2:00-3:00 pm Mountain Time (webinar)
World War II: D-Day
June 2025 will mark the 81st Anniversary of “D-Day.” Join Active Minds for a look at this crucial turning point in World War II. We will examine the dynamics that led up to the Invasion of Normandy, the complicated and challenging preparation process, and the decisive impact this battle had upon the outcome of the war.
Host: Jefferson County Public Library
Cost: Free
To Join Program: Click here to register. Once registered, you will receive a Zoom link via e-mail 30 minutes before the program. This link will work for this and all future Jefferson County Public Library Active Minds programs, so you only need to register once if you save the link for future programs.
Info: Call the library at 303-235-5275 for help or information

* * * Special Event * * *
Friday, June 6, 2025, 1:00-3:00 pm (1:00 reception, 1:30-2:30 program) (in-person)
Istanbul: Biography of a City
Straddling the point where the Mediterranean and Black Seas meet, Istanbul is a city of two continents: Europe and Asia. Originally settled as Byzantium, it would later be named Constantinople before being taken in 1453 by the Ottoman Turks and given the name Istanbul. Join Active Minds as we explore the rich and fascinating story of one of the world’s great cities.
Location: Sunrise at Flatirons, 400 Summit Blvd, Broomfield, CO 80021... map
Cost: Free
RSVP required (limited seating): 303-466-2422
Parking: Complimentary parking is available. Please ask the Concierge about the parking when you make your reservation.

Monday, June 9, 2025, 1:30-2:30 pm (in-person)
At over 836,000 square miles (25% larger than Alaska), Greenland is a massive land located in the North Atlantic.  Its small population (just about 50,000) rule themselves as an autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark.  Greenland, however, has come to the world’s attention since President Trump has expressed his desire to acquire the territory, saying “We need Greenland for national security purposes.”  Join Active Minds as we discuss the history of this remote but strategically placed part of the global story.
Location: Broomfield Public Library, 3 Community Park Rd, Broomfield, CO 80020... map
Cost: Free
RSVP: Not required

Monday, June 9, 2025, 2:00-3:00 pm Mountain Time (webinar)
The Year 1963
1963 is considered a definitive year in the history of the civil rights movement. It also saw the peak of the Cold War, the seeds of the feminist movement, the rise of the youth culture, and the tragic assassination of John F. Kennedy. Join Active Minds as we travel back in time to this key year in history to explore these and other important events.
Host: Jefferson County Public Library
Cost: Free
To Join Program: Click here to register. Once registered, you will receive a Zoom link via e-mail 30 minutes before the program. This link will work for this and all future Jefferson County Public Library Active Minds programs, so you only need to register once if you save the link for future programs.
Info: Call the library at 303-235-5275 for help or information

Tuesday, June 10, 2025, 2:00-3:00 pm (in-person)
The Challenges of China
China has achieved remarkable economic success in the last 40 years, bringing most of its people out of poverty, creating very impressive cities and infrastructure, and is now a world leader. But with this progress, China has encountered significant problems, mostly domestic. Can its president and government solve these issues? What position should America have, since some of these challenges are impacting us? How important is Taiwan to the U.S.? Join Active Minds and learn more about this subject as we explore these and other questions in some depth.
Location: Northglenn Senior Center, 1 East Memorial Parkway, CO 80233... map
Cost: Free
RSVP: 303-450-8801

Wednesday, June 11, 2025, 1:00-2:00 pm (in-person)
Benjamin Franklin
As perhaps one of the most colorful Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin lived a life of lasting impact. As politician, publisher, inventor and diplomat, Franklin left his mark on all he touched. Join Active Minds as we trace the life of this extraordinary man and tell some of the stories that mark his legacy. This event is sponsored by Brookdale Meridian Boulder.
Location: West Age Well Center, 909 Arapahoe Ave, Boulder, CO 80302... map
Cost: Free
RSVP: City of Boulder Older Adult Services: 303-441-3148

Saturday, June 14, 2025, 10:00-11:00 am Mountain Time (webinar)
Georgia O’Keeffe
Born in Wisconsin in 1887, Georgia O’Keeffe would emerge at a young age as a promising artist.  Eventually she would come to be renowned for her abstraction of natural forms such as flowers, clouds and, perhaps most famously, desert spaces of the American Southwest.  Join Active Minds as we trace the outlines of one of the most prominent figures in 20th Century modern art. This event is sponsored by Kaiser Permanente.
Host: Anthem Ranch, 16151 Lowell Blvd, Broomfield, CO 80020... map
Cost: Free
To Join Program: A few minutes before the program start time click here to join the live webinar (when prompted to join audio, select computer or internet audio).
Other: If for any reason you are unable to use the webinar link above, it is possible to join by phone with audio only. For info on dialing in using your phone click here for audio only dial-in instructions.

Monday, June 23, 2025, 2:00-3:00 pm Mountain Time (webinar)
Mount Everest
In 2015 a massive earthquake in Nepal triggered the deadliest avalanche in the history of Everest climbing. As the tallest mountain in the world, Everest holds a special place in the minds and hearts of many. It has religious significance for inhabitants of the region; additionally, it captivates the many mountaineers who have attempted to summit it and thus stand “on top of the world.”  Join Active Minds as we explore the stories of Everest—both triumphs and tragedies—and examine different perspectives on the mountain’s past, present, and future.
Host: Jefferson County Public Library
Cost: Free
To Join Program: Click here to register. Once registered, you will receive a Zoom link via e-mail 30 minutes before the program. This link will work for this and all future Jefferson County Public Library Active Minds programs, so you only need to register once if you save the link for future programs.
Info: Call the library at 303-235-5275 for help or information

Monday, June 23, 2025, 3:00-4:00 pm (in-person)
South Korea
In early December 2024, embattled South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol declared martial law plunging the nation into a constitutional crisis.  President Yeol was subsequently impeached and imprisoned, leading many of his supporters to storm the detention facility.  Join Active Minds as we examine the root causes of the crisis in South Korea and what it means for this crucial US ally in Asia. This event is sponsored by Brookdale Meridian Boulder.
Location: East Age Well Center, 5660 Sioux Dr, Boulder, CO 80303... map
Cost: Free
RSVP: City of Boulder Older Adult Services: 303-413-7290

Monday, June 30, 2025, 2:00-3:00 pm Mountain Time (webinar)
The European Union
Gradually created in the wake of World War II, the European Union was formed to provide a unified trading bloc for Western Europe.  As the EU has grown, it has faced obstacles, such as the addition of Central and Eastern European countries and BREXIT, the first and only withdrawal of a nation from the Union. Join Active Minds as we explore the historical roots of the formation of the EU as well as the issues that challenge its future.
Host: Jefferson County Public Library
Cost: Free
To Join Program: Click here to register. Once registered, you will receive a Zoom link via e-mail 30 minutes before the program. This link will work for this and all future Jefferson County Public Library Active Minds programs, so you only need to register once if you save the link for future programs.
Info: Call the library at 303-235-5275 for help or information

Monday, July 14, 2025, 1:30-2:30 pm (in-person)
Over seventy years ago, France, under pressure from Soviet-backed forces, ended its colonial control of Vietnam.  Thereafter, the U.S. increased its troop presence in the region, an escalation that led to the Vietnam War. Over half a century after US withdrawal, Vietnam is a very different country with a bustling economy and relatively friendly relations with the United States. Join Active Minds as we take a look back at the evolution of Vietnam with a particular focus on its relationship with its neighbor China.
Location: Broomfield Public Library, 3 Community Park Rd, Broomfield, CO 80020... map
Cost: Free
RSVP: Not required

Monday, August 11, 2025, 1:30-2:30 pm (in-person)
Join Active Minds as we trace the history of the nation of Lebanon. We will provide the background necessary to understand the rise of Hezbollah, Lebanon’s Shiite militia, and Lebanon’s role in the current Arab-Israeli conflict, including the complex relationship with its neighbor Syria. Come learn how this important country fits into the puzzle that is the Middle East.
Location: Broomfield Public Library, 3 Community Park Rd, Broomfield, CO 80020... map
Cost: Free
RSVP: Not required

If you would like to be added to our mailing list for Active Minds™ classes that are open to the public, please click here.

Sponsored Links

BrookdaleBrookdale Meridian Boulder
Brookdale Meridian Boulder is an exceptional northern Colorado independent living community that offers a carefree retirement lifestyle for residents from Boulder and nearby areas.

Cultivate helps seniors flourish by connecting them with their surrounding communities, both as recipients and as contributors.
Tel: 303-443-1933

HistoryColorado History Colorado Events & Programs
The History Colorado Center offers a wide variety of educational programs for adults of all ages. Click here to view events and programs.
Registration: Call 303-866-2394 and mention Active Minds to get special discount pricing.

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