Marketing Results
Marketing Event
- Track record of drawing in new prospects (average turnout between 40 and 75).
- Program satisfaction very high (82% rate a 9 or 10).
- Strong positive impression of community as a result (96% had more favorable impression).
- High degree of return interest (95% interested in returning to the community).
- Socializing/relationship building goals achieved (Marketing Directors very satisfied).
- Program creates successful differentiation compared to more common marketing events (e.g., Casino Night, Luau Night).
- Current residents become stronger marketing advocates (provide referrals, testimonials, positive energy).
Marketing Partnership with Active Minds
- While the return on investment (ROI) of marketing efforts can be notoriously difficult to measure, our long-term marketing partners are quick to cite the high value of just one incremental move-in compared to the cost of Active Minds. As one Marketing Director said after an Active Minds lead turned into a move-in, "You've just paid for your programming for the next ten years!"

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